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The Olympics – las olimpiadas

13 Mar 2019
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Let’s celebrate the Olympics! And work with this topic….

All sportsmen are at the airport ready to go… some of them don’t know each other… learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish

Click on the image to access to Rockalingua.com – if you are a current student, email us to get the Log in details.

Click on the image to access to Rockalingua.com – if you are a current student, email us to get the Log in details.

Learn about sports, actions and props you need…

Watch Pocoyo and tell your teacher…

  1. ¿qué deporte es? – What sport is it?
  2. ¿qué necesito? – What do I need?
  3. ¿te gusta este deporte? – Do you like this sport?


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