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Children Resources

Audios to practice your listening & speaking

By Laura D'Amico | 3 years ago

These are some of our suggestions to use at home. There are so many resources online! Improve your speaking by listening, as much as you can, even if you don’t understand it all, you will certainly benefit from it.     Even if you are taking adult courses, give Pocoyo a go!  

New Italian courses

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

We have started a new language at our institute this year. Why? We love languages! We have been teaching for over 10 years now in Christchurch, we know there is a need we would like to fill – learning Italian by quatified experienced teachers. Immerse yourself and learn Italian with our new team member: Welcome…

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Level 2 reopening – Health & Safety procedures

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

Speak Spanish Language Institute  – OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 ALERT LEVEL 2 These operating procedures apply during Covid-19 Alert Level 2. They are based on Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education advice as at 7th May 2020. They are automatically superseded should Ministry of Health or Ministry of Education advice change to require greater…

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Campus Difusion – our Helpsheet

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

Campus Difusión is an innovative digital platform designed to facilitate the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language.  Students (adults, teenagers and children) and teachers alike can create a free account on the Campus website and thus have LIMITED access to the resources and tools featured. If you have a paper book, you…

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Teenage courses in 2020

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

We have several courses for teenagers. These courses are customised specially for children ages 11 to 17 years old and they are fun! We follow the Common European Framework of References for Languages and use the Editorial Difusion book series ‘Gente Joven – Nueva Edicion’. If you have done or are currently enrolled NCEA Spanish,…

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Immersion Holiday Program – Radio program

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

What do we do on our radio program? These 3 girls have done one term of Spanish classes before coming to their first session of our Immersion Holiday Program: our first day is called Explore Spanish language & the Hispanic culture.    


The Olympics – las olimpiadas

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

Let’s celebrate the Olympics! And work with this topic…. All sportsmen are at the airport ready to go… some of them don’t know each other… learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish Learn about sports, actions and props you need… Watch Pocoyo and tell your teacher… ¿qué deporte es? – What sport is it? ¿qué necesito?…

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Las tiendas – Shops

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

Material to learn & practice shops: Bakery & Ice Cream shop Rockalingua.com: Adonde vas? (video) – Where are you going? Rockalingua.com: Adonde vas? (song) – Where are you going?    


La vida de Messi – Messi’s life

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

Material for our advanced children clubs & adult classes (Pre-Intermediate) La vida de Messi – Messi’s life: What do you know about his life? Hasta pronto!

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