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Quizlet is now at Speak Spanish

12 Sep 2016
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This is an amazing tool, we have been using but it just got better and we will use more! This tool is suitable for children & adults alike.

Many of you are telling us you are struggling to find the time to practice and study between classes and we understand, life is busy, especially when you have a family – like me!!

You know we do have many tools available so you can practice at home:

  • Más Ejercicios section at the end of your textbook. We do encourage you to work through these exercises at your own pace. We do require you complete the units we are working in class at home. You can find the Answer Key for this exercises on…

Click on the image to access campus.difusion.com – although this is all in Spanish we encourage you to work with it little by little. Bring questions to class!!

    • Speak Spanish website & Facebook page – many of the extra materials we use in class are indeed on the website under the Children resources. Have a look! We are building an adult resource section and it will be available in 2017.
    • Quizlet – NEW!!! This is a great tool to create flashcards and study. Use it!! Use our sets!! They are planned to be used alongside our courses. You are able to… print them, use them online on an App!! Explore and use it!
      You will find ways to test your vocabulary too.

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