0800-ESPANOL (0800 3772665)

Latin Cooking Workshop

27 Sep 2018
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This event is part of Spanish Week – October 2018

Come to our cooking workshop to enjoy a little taste of what we do and also learn a to cook some typical dishes. You are not required to speak Spanish but if you do, you will practice with us during the workshop!


  • 6.30pm: Welcome at 59 Hewitts Road – Language Wing – room L4. We have parking available onsite or
    plenty of off-street parking;
  • 6.35pm: Walk to the technology room at Rangi Ruru, it is very close to our rooms! – if you are late you will
    have to find the technology rooms – see map attached.
  • 6.45pm: Presentation & naming ingredients in Spanish – first dish… Empanadas de carne…. we will have
    benches, utensils, ovens and ingredients every 2-4 people, you will be looking at how to make them and
    making yourself. We will be making the pastry too!
  • 7.30pm: Presentation & naming ingredients in Spanish – second dish…. Alfajores de maicena… we will
    have benches, utensils, ovens and ingredients every 2-4 people.
  • 8.20pm tasting and farewell. Adios!

The cost is $35 per person. Enrolment is essential and payment is required before the workshop is on Friday 19th.

Enrol now!


More on Spanish Week 2018

Spanish week


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