0800-ESPANOL (0800 3772665)


10 Aug 2014
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Listen to this songs and find out about feelings in Spanish here… 

¿Cómo estás?

(yo) Estoy contento – I’m happy

(yo) Estoy triste – I’m sad

(yo) Tengo frío – I’m cold

(yo) Tengo calor – I’m hot

(yo) Soy pequeño – I’m small

(yo) Soy grande – I’m big

(yo) Tengo hambre – I’m hungry

(yo) Tengo sed – I’m thirsty

(yo) Tengo miedo – I’m scared

(yo) Tengo sueño – I’m sleepy

If you are asking someone, you will be using… (second person singular Tú – you)

Tienes frío? – Are you cold?

Eres grande o pequeño? – Are you big or small?

Watch these extracts and say how they feel (you can imagine you are pretending to be them so you are using the first person singular Yo – I)

The hapinness song: La cancion de la felicidad

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