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Children Resources

New Italian courses

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

We have started a new language at our institute this year. Why? We love languages! We have been teaching for over 10 years now in Christchurch, we know there is a need we would like to fill – learning Italian by quatified experienced teachers. Immerse yourself and learn Italian with our new team member: Welcome…

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Level 2 reopening – Health & Safety procedures

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

Speak Spanish Language Institute  – OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR COVID-19 ALERT LEVEL 2 These operating procedures apply during Covid-19 Alert Level 2. They are based on Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education advice as at 7th May 2020. They are automatically superseded should Ministry of Health or Ministry of Education advice change to require greater…

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Campus Difusion – our Helpsheet

By Laura D'Amico | 4 years ago

Campus Difusión is an innovative digital platform designed to facilitate the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language.  Students (adults, teenagers and children) and teachers alike can create a free account on the Campus website and thus have LIMITED access to the resources and tools featured. If you have a paper book, you…

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Teenage courses in 2020

By Laura D'Amico | 5 years ago

We have several courses for teenagers. These courses are customised specially for children ages 11 to 17 years old and they are fun! We follow the Common European Framework of References for Languages and use the Editorial Difusion book series ‘Gente Joven – Nueva Edicion’. If you have done or are currently enrolled NCEA Spanish,…

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Latin Cooking Workshop

By Laura D'Amico | 6 years ago

This event is part of Spanish Week – October 2018 Come to our cooking workshop to enjoy a little taste of what we do and also learn a to cook some typical dishes. You are not required to speak Spanish but if you do, you will practice with us during the workshop! Program: 6.30pm: Welcome…

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Spanish Movie Night – children

By Laura D'Amico | 6 years ago

AHA & Speak Spanish are proud to be able to offer an activity in KidsFest 2018. Spaces are limited, so please enrol HERE The Aotearoa Hispanic Association (AHA) was created to promote Latin American and Spanish Culture. AHA would like to share the spirit and the culture of our cultures through a movie. Let’s transport ourselves…

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Scientists for 20 min.

By Laura D'Amico | 8 years ago

On our Saturday Spanish Club 11 to 1pm, we have a 60 hour class where we work grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing. At 12.00 we have a 10 minutes break and at 12.10pm we do experiments. This term they are mainly focused on the weather/ sky; through experiments we are building up vocabulary…

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DELE informative talk

By Laura D'Amico | 9 years ago

Hola a todos! Thursday 28 Jan – 7.00pm – DELE informative talk   Come and find out…. *what DELE is and it’s levels; *how you can reach a level to be able to get ready to prepare for the exam; *how and what we can offer you to be able to sit the exam and…

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Commands for parents

By Laura D'Amico | 9 years ago

Do you want to use Spanish at home? Commands are very common and well used in everyday Spanish. What are commands? Commands are used to tell someone to do something in a direct manner. It may sound a little rude for an English speaker but they are not rude and they are very common. Politeness is…

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