Term 3 starting Monday 15 August
Hola a todos!
As you know Term 2 holidays are longer than usual as all three teachers have some personal commitments and for the first time since we set up the institute we are starting later in the term. This means some children courses will only have 6 weeks this term. Adult courses will still be 8 weeks long – careful when enroling as we will be having some classes over Term 3 school holidays (if you have children, you know this is important to have in mind when enroling).
A lot has happened these last 4 weeks….
- Conversation classes have been amazing! We are happy to be able to offer 3 different levels between courses.
- Our Immersion Holiday Program is here to stay! We will continue to offer this during school holidays on the first week of the term only 9 to 3pm. Please check the 20% discount when you enrol children for a whole week. We need your support to be able to keep offering this option.
Immersion Holiday Program on July 2016 – click to see more photos
- Preparation for DELE intensive courses are starting on Saturdays from 1st Oct from then 9 to 3pm and it will be 4 weeks + Level Test + mock test. We know this is a huge commitment but we only want to offer the preparation for the official exam if we are able to help you consciously. Homework and study is a must between classes on these courses. Level Tests to be able to do these courses will be on Saturday 24th September at 1.00pm – please send an email to enrol onto the Level Tests. The cost is $410 (24 hs classes + mock test on Sat 29 Oct – minimum students required per group 4; max. 8).
- Gisella & Eva are almost back but still enjoying their family time…. bien merecido! – well deserved!

Gisella & her family in NZ – Gracias por la foto!
All adult courses and teenage courses are starting on the week of 15th August.
Please enrol online if you haven’t already. It has been a tricky busy time so if you have enrolled and haven’t received the invoice, you will! very shortly! Please remember we ask students to pay in full before starting.
Spanish Clubs in primary schools & at our institute
They are all starting on the week of 15th August. We are adding new schools and some Level 2 courses as well as a new Spanish Club on Wednesday:
*NEW – Wednesdays 4.00 to 5.30pm – Spanish Club at our institute;
*NEW – Beginners & Level 2 Spanish Club at Tai Tapu school – new students can join now.
*NEW – Marshland School Spanish Club
Remember we also have clubs on Elmwood, Fendalton, Ladbrooks. We are reviewing our club at Lincoln Primary at the moment.
Children + parents courses & Spanish for babies
There are 2 options at the moment in term 3 available for families to come and learn Spanish together – 2 & 3 years old and 4 to 7 years old on Saturdays mornings. We will add a course for babies + parents in Term 4, also on Saturdays 9 to 9.45am.

Children + parents 4 to 7 years old Term 2 2016
Feedback & Facebook page
Gracias for your valuable feedback at the end of term 2! We take all your comments very seriously.
Please LIKE our Facebook page and leave a REVIEW – this is very helpful for us. Students connected to FB receive extra material and information we believe is helpful….
FACEBOOK EVENT – coming up Tuesday 9th August

Gisella & her mum are going to the International Film Festival next week – click for more details on FB
Gisella and her mum Maria are kindly organising a group to watch one of the movies from the International Film Festival and it is one of our favorites! with Ricardo Darin – a great actor from Arg, very well known in Spain and outside Hispanic countries. Join them next week!
Hasta pronto!
Head Teacher