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Videos for Beginners

5 Mar 2014
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Videos with Spanish subtitles – click on the image

Editorial Difusion has produced excellent videos students can watched after they finish working with the book units in class –  Aula Internacional 1. Videos are a good tool to improve your listening, speaking and of course, your pronunciation when you are at home. Most of our students study Spanish because they want to travel to a Spanish speaking country: most for leisure but also to work and speaking is their ultimate goal. Read 10 ways to improve your Spanish speaking for more suggestions.

Unit 1 – Nosotros
Unidad 2 – Quiero aprender español
Unidad 3 – ¿Donde esta Santiago?
Unidad 4 – ¿Cuál prefieres?
Unidad 5 – Tus amigos son mis amigos
Unidad 6 – Día a día
Unidad 7 – ¡A comer!
Unidad 8 – El barrio ideal
Unidad 9 – Una vida de película

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